Willemette Village

Willemette Village
Neighborhood Association

Willemette Village Neighborhood Association was founded in August 2000. The first officers were as follows: Karla Efinger, President; Doris Jones, Vice President; Chris Lang, Treasurer; and Robin Stuart, Secretary.

At the September 2000 meeting, a by-laws committee was formed and the name of our association was selected. Our boundaries are U.S. Highway 41 to the east, Diamond Avenue to the north, Weinbach Avenue to the east, and Morgan Avenue (Highway 62) to the south.

The history of our area is very interesting. Neriah Barnes purchased various lands from the School Corporation of Vanderburgh County in December 1839 which became known as “Little Farms” or Poultry Acres. The deed to Poultry Acres dates back to 1840. Dr. Owens left the land to his daughter’s family (the Garrisons), who built the home presently at the corner of Maxwell and Oakland Avenues.  

Willemette Village residents completing a CERT Training course

From 1924-1926, the county fair was held on part of the undeveloped property and it was also the home of an early airport.

In 1940, a portion of “Little Farms” became Willemette Village and it is unknown who changed the name. In 1942, Willemette Village was sold to Bradford Homes, a division of the long-time Evansville Bradford Lumber Company. The homes were built with either a basement by Bradford’s son, Gale or without a basement by Bill. Many of the people who bought these homes worked in the nearby Chrysler and Republic Aviation plants.

In December of 2001, the Willemette Village Neighborhood Association was the first neighborhood association to become C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) trained in the Tri-State area (Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois).


President: Karla Efinger
Vice-President: Robert Wheelock
Secretary: Joan Neumann
Treasurer: Doris Wheelock
Representatives: Robert Wheelock & Karla Efinger

Meeting Information

Date: 3rd Thursdays
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Keck Avenue Baptist Church
1565 Keck Avenue

Contact Bob Wheelock at 812-455-0456 to verify meeting date/location.

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EPD Sector

This neighborhood is in the East Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO):  Kevin Corbin 812-485-3061
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location:   Crime Prevention Office,  CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713

Boundaries & Map

Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021