Tag Archives: community development

General Membership Meeting Agenda

EWSU Enhanced Bill Assistance Program

UNOE July Newsletter


General Membership Meeting Thursday 06/27/2024


Thank you for taking the time to complete this community survey about policing in the City of Evansville. This survey has been designed to provide us with a current understanding of the perceptions of our community neighbors (CALEA Standard 45.2.2). The results are used to direct the department and enhance policing services as we strive to provide the most responsive, compassionate, and responsible police services possible. Your answers are completely confidential and anonymous.

This survey should take an estimated 5 minutes to complete. It is completely voluntary, and you do not need to answer every question. If you don’t know or aren’t sure, you may skip the question. Again, we would like to thank you for your input. It will be invaluable in our endeavor to provide the best policing services.

Instructions: Please indicate your response by marking the appropriate box based on your feelings, opinions, and experiences with Evansville Police Department (EPD) 

A printed copy of this survey is available at the lobby of our Crime Prevention Unit located at the CK Newsome Center (100 E. Walnut Street – Suite 100), if you prefer to complete it in this manner. If you have any questions or comments regarding this survey, please contact us via email at EPD_CPO@evansvillepolice.com.

Please CLICK on the link below to be directed to the survey. THANK YOU!


June 2024 Newsletter

May 2024 Newsletter

Evansville Regional Economic Partnership Celebrates 2024 Economic Development Week May 6-10

General Membership Meeting TONIGHT….

C.K. Newsome Community Center

100 E Walnut St #1, Evansville, IN 47713

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Guest Speakers: Ruby McGlown (Pigeon Township Trustee) & Kathryn Martin (Knight Township Trustee).