
The mission of the President’s Neighborhood Association is to enhance the livability of your neighborhood and to establish and maintain an open line of communication and a liaison among the neighborhood, government agencies, police, and other neighborhoods.

The Presidents Neighborhood Association was founded in 2009 by Brent Jackson, Will Bruce, and Artie McCormick (deceased).  The boundaries are Highway 41, Washington, Weinbach, and Covert Avenues.

The President’s neighborhoods namesake is from 5 streets named after former US Presidents.  In order from north to south, they are Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and Taylor Avenues. 

The Presidents Neighborhood has approximately 980 parcels of land of which includes Washington Middle School, River City Post Office, two churches, and a half dozen businesses.  According to the 2010 US Census, some 2300 souls are living in the neighborhood at any given time.

On April 24, 2010, the Presidents Neighborhood performed our Second Annual Neighborhood Cleanup. During that event, we bussed in 46 work release volunteers from the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office to help out.  It was a great success!  Over five tons of limbs and debris were cleaned up and thrown away in two roll-off dumpsters that were provided by the DMD.

Later on, a project began to upgrade the fence found on the alleyway down the west side of Harlan Avenue in between Highway 41.  A broken and unmaintained fence, mixed with a dumping ground of trash and debris, made this area very unsightly and a hazard.  Working with INDOT, Keep Evansville Beautiful, and the neighbors along Harlan Avenue, we put together a workgroup and made some needed changes.

A few months after we cleaned up and removed the fence, INDOT replaced it with a new one.  We still continue our relationship today with INDOT.


President: Brent Jackson
Representative: Brent Jackson

Meeting Information

Date: No Set Date or Times.
Location: Online via our Facebook Group for neighbors

Please contact Brent Jackson at 812-457-3733 or for further information.

Follow us on Facebook.

EPD Sector

This neighborhood is in the South Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO):  Chad Diedrich  812-435-6037
Meeting Date: 2nd Thursday of odd months
Time:  6:00pm
Location:  Crime Prevention Office,  CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713

Boundaries & Map

Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021