Plaza Park Neighborhood Association
In the late summer of 2012, Rose Mary Cain wanted to start a neighborhood crime watch. EPD Officer Anna Gray arranged our first crime watch meeting where 22 neighbors gathered in lawn chairs at the end of Queens Avenue. The first major hurdle (finding a place to hold meetings) was overcome as Plaza Park School’s principal offered the school’s cafeteria for meetings. For the next two years, we functioned as a crime watch, meeting monthly and presenting speakers from all organizations in Evansville to help with preventing crime and promoting safety for our neighbors.
On September 18, 2014, long-time United Neighborhoods of Evansville members and Plaza Park neighbors, Nancy and Bill Currie, took our simple crime watch meetings to the next level. Upon his recommendation, we became Plaza Park Neighborhood and incorporated in February 2017. The first officers chosen at that meeting were: Randy Cain, President; Rose Mary Cain, Vice President; Becky Fischer, Secretary; and Linda Deig, Treasurer. Also, the Board of Directors included: Nancy Currie, Bill Currie, Elsie Weaver, and Beverly Eggers. The boundaries of our association are defined as follows: Newburgh Road to South Burkhardt to East Lloyd Expressway to the Warrick County Line.
Plaza Park Neighborhood Association’s mission is to help improve the quality of life in the Plaza Park neighborhood area and Evansville community by increasing the overall safety and security for the neighborhood citizens and visitors (from youth and senior) through education, public awareness, charitable contributions, and community partnerships; empower citizens with the tools, information, and technology to reduce and prevent criminal activity, and reduce the impact of emergency and disaster situations by working with our local police and emergency management departments, and city and state representatives.
President: Linda Deig
Vice-President: Eric Wagemann
Secretary/Treasurer: Linda Deig
Representatives: Linda Deig & Ron Unfried
Meeting Information
2nd Thursday Each Month – 6:30 PM – St. Johns United Church of Christ
Contact Linda Deig at 812-459-6754 or email at confirm the meeting time, date & location or for more information.
EPD Sector
This neighborhood is in the East Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO): Andrew Smith 812-485-3061 Terrance Eastwood 812-435-6107
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location: Crime Prevention Office, CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713
Boundaries & Map
Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021
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