We Are Proud of Our Neighborhoods!
Our neighborhood program is among the most unique programs in the country. We are a UNITED group of neighborhoods that assist and represent all neighborhood associations in Evansville.
You can find this ever growing list in the menu to the left (or below on a mobile device). View a map of all neighborhoods.
What Is a Neighborhood Association?
A neighborhood association is a group of neighbors and business owners who work together for changes and improvements such as neighborhood safety, beautification and social activities. They reinforce rules and regulations through education, peer pressure and by looking out for each other. An association may have elected leaders and voluntary dues. Such a group of residents or property owners advocate for or organize activities within a neighborhood.
Different from a Homeowners Association
Neighborhood associations are not homeowners associations (HOA). A HOA is a group of property owners with the legal authority to enforce rules and regulations that focus on restrictions and building and safety issues. When moving to an area where a HOA exists, membership is mandatory and is generally through rules tied to the ownership of property like deed restrictions. HOAs often own and maintain common property, such as recreational facilities, parks, and roads, and the medians in those areas.
Neighborhood association membership is voluntary or informal. As such, neighborhood associations are focused on general advocacy of neighborhood improvements and community events. In some cases, neighborhood associations exist simultaneously with HOAs, and each may not encompass identical boundaries. HOAs are separate from the work of UNOE.
Neighborhood Watch
A neighborhood watch, also sometimes called a crime watch, is an organized group of citizens devoted to crime and vandalism prevention within a neighborhood. Most neighborhood associations encompass some form or spirit of a neighborhood watch. Neighborhood watches are not vigilante organizations. When suspecting criminal activities, members are encouraged to contact authorities and not to intervene.
The current American system of neighborhood watches began developing in the late 1960s as a response to the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York. People became outraged after reports that a dozen witnesses did nothing to save Genovese or to apprehend her killer. Some locals formed groups to watch over their neighborhoods and to look out for any suspicious activity in their areas. Shortly thereafter, the National Sheriffs’ Association began a concerted effort in 1972 to revitalize the “watch group” effort nationwide.
Neighborhood Associations in Evansville & Vanderburgh County
Today United Neighborhoods of Evansville assists citizens in forming neighborhood associations.
- Learn more about Membership.
- Download the UNOE Small Tool Kit to explore your interest and ability to launch a new Neighborhood Association.
- Request the full Neighborhood Association Tool Kit for launching a Neighborhood Association in your part of the city. (This tool is available to groups that have already begun the process of organizing a Neighborhood Association. When requesting, please supply your name, address and a description of your group and proposed area for a new Neighborhood Association in Evansville or Vanderburgh County. The full kit is supplied through a meeting with organizers of the new area.)
- Contact us for your next steps!