Oak Hill

Oak Hill Neighborhood Association

The mission of the Oak Hill Neighborhood Association is to preserve and improve the safety, security, and appearance of the neighborhood by fostering neighborhood unity through communication and neighborhood activities.

In 1998, Oak Hill Neighborhood organized over concerns a development would change the character of the neighborhood.  Neighbors have continued to join forces through the years to address and solve issues impacting our neighborhood. While our neighborhood is predominately low crime and generally free of other negative forces, we are ready and willing to stand up and fight for our fellow neighbors.

Oak Hill Neighborhood encompasses both city and county residents. Our area is filled with second and third-generation inhabitants that walk the same streets and enjoy the same neighbors they did as young children.

Oaklyn Library

The geographical area covered by the Association is all residential areas between Millersburg Road to the north and Morgan Avenue to the south for which Oak Hill Road is the nearest north to south thoroughfare.

Through our collaborative efforts with the city, Oak Hill Road (originally named Blue Grass Road) became the first “complete street” in the city providing sidewalks and bike paths.  In the next few years, the county portion will also include sidewalks and bike paths for neighbors to enjoy.  

We boast of twelve churches, one elementary school, many lakes, and an abundance of wildlife within our boundaries. Another gem, Oaklyn Library, is one of the first buildings in Evansville with a “green roof” of native wildflowers.  Oaklyn Library had previously been located across the road in the former 1930 Lynch School building.

Old Lynch School

Our association participates in a variety of community efforts such as United Neighborhoods of Evansville, National Night Out, and Keep Evansville Beautiful.  We are also proud of neighbors who are trained volunteers with the Community Emergency Response Team. 

Oak Hill is unique. Our neighbors are unique. Our goal is to ensure that our uniqueness, in all its splendor, is preserved for our next generations.


President: Susan Harp
Vice President: Nancy Tabor
Secretary: Amber Balding
Treasurer: Susan Harp
Representatives: Susan Harp & Nancy Tabor

Meeting Information

Dates: 4th Monday of every month
(Except May (3rd Monday) and no meeting in December)
Time: 6:00pm
Location: EVPL Oaklyn Branch library
3001 Oaklyn Drive

Please contact Susan Harp at 812-455-5292 or lablady13@aol.com for meeting date/location confirmation.

Follow us on Facebook.

EPD Sector

This neighborhood is in the East Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO):  Andrew Smith 812-485-3061 Terrance Eastwood 812-435-6107
Meeting Date: 3rd Tuesday of odd months
Time:  6:00pm
Location:   Crime Prevention Office,  CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713

Boundaries & Map

Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021