Indian Woods/Windsong
Neighborhood Association
The neighborhood is between Covert Avenue and Pollack Avenue off of Shoshoni Road. Our boundaries are Crossfield, Foxcross, Foxfield, and Greencastle Drive.
Neighbors have come together in the past year to work on projects such as removing brush and yard debris from a common area. They have enjoyed Christmas parties, guest speakers, neighborhood watch communications, and the use of Facebook as the primary platform for communication regarding issues and commendations.
We also use an online, interactive Google Map to record information about each resident (first names only), including pictures of pets and pet names. We do this so lost pets can be brought back to owners. This has been a major issue in our neighborhood. Only information that the resident cares to share with the Association is listed on the map.
President: Rita (Katie) Coomes
Vice President: Alice Larkin
Secretary & Treasurer: Janice Greene
Representatives: Annette Parks & Nancy Holstein
Meeting Information
Date: 3rd Monday of even months
Time: 6:00pm
Location: T.B.D….Call Katie Coomes for Location of Meeting.
Contact Rita (Katie) Coomes at 812-449-8469 or to confirm date and time.
Neighborhood Projects
Bench Project
Description – Installing four benches in neighborhood next to the sidewalks on the easements.
Vanderburgh County Sheriff
This neighborhood is in the county and is served by the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office.
Administration, Detention and Corrections: 812-421-6203
located in the Vanderburgh County Detention Center, 3500 N. Harlan Ave.
Operations – Command Post: 812-421-6201
5607 Highway 41 North
Neighborhood Documents
Covenant-Part 1
Covenant-Part 2
Boundaries & Map
Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021
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