Business 41

Business 41 Improvement
Neighborhood Association

The Business 41 Neighborhood Association’s geographical area is Evans Avenue on the west boundary, Highway 41 on the east boundary, Pigeon Creek Bridge on the north boundary, and Lloyd Expressway on the south boundary.  Our mission is to promote communication within our neighborhood, to enable us to accomplish our neighborhood goals of eliminating crime, developing pride of ownership, and improving the overall attractiveness of the area.

For many years, our Business 41 Neighborhood Association held meetings every month. Right before the pandemic, we decided to hold our meetings quarterly. Our Crime Prevention Officer discusses the activities in our area so we can be better prepared for any issues. We normally have had twelve to fifteen members attend.

Residents of Business 41 Neighborhood enjoying a picnic

We have hosted a variety of city officeholders and political figures as guest speakers in the past. Early March last year we held a business meeting and almost fifty people attended. We had to move our normal location to Wolf’s Barbecue banquet room to accommodate our guests. The topic was educational for everyone. Our special speakers were an attorney and a bank regional president. They discussed how to sell or purchase a business and some other things most bankers do not tell you.

We hold an annual picnic with great food and plenty of shade. We only had to move it inside one time in the past. We also have a festive annual Christmas party.


President: Greg Stilwell
Vice President: Jerry Prow
Secretary: Jerry Prow
Treasurer: Greg Stilwell
No Representatives

Meeting Information

Date: 2nd Tuesday of March, June, September & December
Time: 5:30 pm
Location:  1301 E. Morgan Ave (at U.S. Hwy 41)

Please call Greg Stilwell at 812-425-4794 or Jerry Prow at 812-205-6758 to verify meeting date/location.

EPD Sector

This neighborhood is in the West Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO): Ben Hallmark 812-435-6105
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location: Crime Prevention Office,  CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713

Boundaries & Map

Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021