Neighborhood Association
The Goosetown Neighborhood Association strives toward correction of neighborhood problems brought to the attention of the association by its membership, thereby promoting an atmosphere of unity, cooperation, openness, and friendliness within the neighborhood.
The current President, Leonard Collins, makes sure the meetings for Goosetown are a wealth of information for this neighbors and visitors from other neighborhoods. At Goosetown’s meetings, community leaders are invited to present and discuss topics affecting the neighbors.
The area has always been a hub for community events dating back to the Goosetown Festival which was held many summers on the streets around Haynie’s Corner. Although Haynie’s Corner itself is adjacent to our boundaries, it is still a very active hotspot for the arts and entertainment in the area.
Two important collaborative anchors for this neighborhood are Patchwork Central and The Potter’s Wheel (where their meetings are held). Events like the Neighborhood Block Party and Neighborhood Lunch for Seniors (Potter’s Wheel) are examples of some successful partnerships. Volunteers in the neighborhood were also active in the 2020 Census.
Neighbors work together in Goosetown Park. They take pride in planting flowers and keeping the park looking beautiful. Neighbors can relax, visit with other neighbors, and children can play this quaint park.
President: Leonard Collins
Vice President: Danny Markham
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Representatives: Leonard Collins & Danny Markam
Meeting Information
Date: 4th Tuesday of even months
(Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, except Dec.)
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Potter’s Wheel, 333 Jefferson Ave.
Please contact Leonard Collins at 812-422-4299 to verify meeting date/location.
This neighborhood is also a member of the Focus Neighborhood Council through the City of Evansville-Department of Metropolitan Development.
Goosetown is also a member of the Coalition of Inner-city Neighborhoods (C.O.I.N.).
EPD Sector
This neighborhood is in the South Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO): Bill Fendel 812-435-6035
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location: Crime Prevention Office, CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713
Boundaries & Map
Download the KML file here. KML file updated 08/09/2021
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